Contact List Widget

Required permissions: Contact List View

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The Contact List widget provides comprehensive drill-down data of the contacts occurring within your system. It lists, by skillClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge, the contacts that are active in the network along with their state, the duration of time the contact has been in the state, and if applicable, the agent who is handling the contact.

If you double-click a contact, detailed information about the contact appears in a Contact Zoom popup:

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can interact with the contact directly from this Zoom window by:

  • recording the interaction between the agent and the contact
  • monitoring the call when engaged with an agent

When you use the record and monitor features, all of the detail of the contact will be shown.

This widget is powerful because it provides a drill-down view for each contact, while also enabling the supervisor to manage and monitor contact interactions without logging into the agent application or Supervisor.

To enhance performance for most users, the maximum amount of retrievable data has been limited to 20,000 rows.


Column Description
Contact ID The contact ID for a specific contact attempt.
Master Contact ID The master or parent ID for one or more related contacts. A new master contact ID will be assigned if a contact has been transferred 10 or more times.
Media Type The media typeClosed A medium, such as voice, email, and chat, through which a contact connects with an intended recipient. of the contact; i.e., phone, email, etc.
ACD Skill Name The skill used to route the contact.
Contact State The contact’s current state. This column identifies whether or not the contact is inbound or outbound. The state listed here corresponds to the colored circle next to the skill name.
Time The total duration of time the contact has been in the IVR. Note: the time in parentheses beside the agent state indicates the time that the contact has spent in its current state.
Contact Time The amount of time the contact has spent in the NICE CXone system.
Agent The agent who is handling the contact, if applicable.
Campaign The campaign to which the skill belongs.

Contact State Colors

Color State

PreQueue: Active in the system but not yet waiting to be delivered to an agent; likely still in system IVR.

For Digital Experience contacts, the case state is New or Open with no skill or agent assigned to it.


InQueue: Currently waiting to be handled by an agent.

For Digital Experience contacts, the case state is New or Open with a skill assigned to it but no agent assigned to it.


Active: Interacting with an agent.

For Digital Experience contacts, the case, in any state besides Closed, is assigned to an agent.

Gray OnHold: Agent placed contact on hold.

PostAgent: Finished interacting with the agent; could still be active in the system to complete a survey or other reason.

For Digital Experience contacts, the case state is Resolved, Pending, or Escalated with no skill or agent assigned to it.