Branding Profiles

A branding profile is a collection of images and settings used to customize the appearance of NICE CXone for one or more tenants. You can use branding profiles to customize the appearance of the administrative interface so that your customers see the logo and product naming you've selected instead of NICE CXone branding.

Key Facts About Branding Profiles

  • Only internal partner support users can create, activate, or delete a branding profile. Ask your partner account manager for more information.
  • Once a branding profile has been created, you can view and assign the profile for tenants associated with your partner account. Branding profiles are assigned when creating or editing a tenant.
  • Default CXone branding is used for all tenants that do not have a custom branding profile.
  • Brand Name, which appears on Branding Profiles list, is the name for the brand that appears in the header bar of all CXone applications and in the body of system email addresses. This is typically the name of the organization.
  • All CXone applications include a Contact Us link in the header bar's user drop-down. Emails sent using this link go to the system email address specified in the branding profile. If no email is specified, emails sent using this link go to NICE CXone Support.
  • Branding profiles will not be visible on the Tenants or Partners pages after you deactivate them.
  • Branding profiles can be used to customize the look and feel of the following CXone elements:
    • The header bar in all CXone applications
    • The CXone login page
    • MAX
    • Salesforce Agent
    • CXone Agent
    • CXone Agent Embedded
    • CXone Agent for Microsoft Teams
    • CXone Agent Integrated
    • Performance Analytics for Salesforce Einstein
    • Supervisor
    • User invitation emails (sent when a new employee is created in the Admin application)
    • Evaluation forms created in the CXone QM application

Branding Profiles List

The Branding Profiles list displays when you click Branding Profiles in the Tenant Management application. This page is used to view all active and inactive branding profiles for your partner account. You can search for a specific profile by typing its name in the search field.