Install CXone Agent Embedded in Zendesk

This is the first step of setting up CXone Agent Embedded in Zendesk.

This page explains how to install CXone Agent Embedded in Zendesk. Once it's installed, agents can use it to handle interactions directly inside Zendesk.

Complete each of these tasks in the order given.

Install CXone Agent Embedded

  1. In Zendesk, navigate to the Zendesk Marketplace.

  2. Search for CXone Agent.

  3. Select CXone Agent in the search results.

  4. Click Install.

  5. Select the account where you want to install CXone Agent Embedded.

  6. If you haven't already, log into your Zendesk instance.

  7. In the Apps and Integrations page that opens, fill out the CXone Agent form.

    1. Review the Title, Application URL, Height, and Width fields. They should be auto-filled with these correct values:

      • Title: CXone Agent

      • Application URL: One of these:

        • If you are not on FedRAMP:

        • If you are on FedRAMP:

      • Height: 720px

      • Width: 420px

    2. To limit access to CXone Agent Embedded to specific agents, select one or both of these options:

      • Enable role restrictions?: Allows you to select the roles you want to access CXone Agent Embedded.

      • Enable group restrictions?: Allows you to select the groups you want to access CXone Agent Embedded.

      To enable access to CXone Agent Embedded for all agents, leave these fields unselected.

  8. Click Install.

The next step of setting up CXone Agent Embedded in Zendesk is to set up a CRM configuration.