Manage Customer Cards

Customer Cards provide information to agents about the casesClosed The full conversation with an agent through a channel. For example, an interaction can be a voice call, email, chat, or social media conversation. they're working on. They contain all the information that Digital Experience has about each contact. This includes information about previous conversations contacts have had with your organization. You can customize the information that customer cards contain using custom fields.

Digital Experience creates customer cards for every case routed through the MAX digital inboxClosed Area where cases appear in the digital interaction workspace in an agent application. You can also include actions in Studio scripts to create customer cards for these omnichannelClosed The ability to work on multiple interactions from different channels at the same time. channels: voice, voicemail, chat, SMS, and email. Customer cards aren't available when using Digital Experience with Salesforce Agent.

Multiple Customer Cards for One Contact

There are times when a contact may have more than one customer card in the system. This can happen if they call you from a different number or message from a different Facebook account, for example. When agents notice this, they can merge the customer cards.

Digital Experience matches across telephone-based channels, such as voice, SMS, and voicemail. This helps prevent duplicate customer cards for the same telephone number.

Configure Custom Fields for Customer Cards

You can create custom fields that provide information to agents or provide a way for agents to collect information for the customer card.

  1. Click the app selector icon of app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to Digital > Custom Fields.

  3. Click Create new custom field for Customer Card.
  4. Enter an Ident for the field. This is the internal name that's used in the database. If you intend to use this custom field in Studio, this value cannot have any special characters except hyphens (-) or underscores (_).
  5. Enter a Label for the field. This is the external name that shows in the customer card details.
  6. From the Type drop-down, select the type of field you want: Text, Email, or Drop down list.

  7. Click the sliders for the Is visible in right panel, Is editable, or Is visible in customer card options to enable them.

  8. Click Save.