Guide Conditions

Rule conditions determine if a rule action is applied to your website. To add a rule condition, click Condition to see a list of conditions and condition samples, or use the Search field and start typing the name of a condition. Synonyms are included in the search so you don't need to know the exact condition name to find the one to add. You can define a rule to use a single condition or set multiple conditions for a rule. Guide requires all conditions to be met to apply the rule action.

Rule conditions are evaluated in one of these ways:

  • Statically: Rule conditions are evaluated on page load or refresh.

  • Dynamically: Rule conditions are evaluated when something changes on a page or when the visitor interacts with the page.

  • On interval: Rule conditions are evaluated every minute. If there is a change in the condition, any other dynamic conditions are also evaluated.

Chat Is Online

Use the Chat Is Online condition to limit an engagement based on when chat agents are or are not available. If you select multiple skills, Guide checks for available agents with all of the skillsClosed Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge.

  1. Toggle the Active/Inactive button to determine if you want agents available or unavailable for your rule criteria.

  2. In the Search for queue/skills to add text box, start typing the names of the skills the agents should have. If you select multiple skills, the agents must have all skills.


  • If agents are available for the chat skills identified, offer the visitor a template with the chat channel.

  • If agents are unavailable for the chat skill, offer the visitor a template with alternative channels for assistance, such as a bot or email.

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On interval

Time In Queue

Current Page

Use the Current Page condition to limit an engagement based on the web page the visitor is on.

  1. In the Select operator drop-down, select an operator. Use Equals to match an exact page URL. Use Contains to match a portion of the URL, such as the domain name.
  2. In the Type in url field, enter the URL or portion of URL to match. When using the Equals, operator, you must specify a complete URL.
  3. To add multiple URL values, click Add URL. When multiple values are set, only one of the URL values must be a match.


  • When a visitor is on your checkout page, offer a proactive offer.

  • When a visitor is on any page with nice in the URL, offer a chat template.

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Time Spent on Current Page

Custom Variable

Use the Custom Variable condition to limit an engagement based on when a visitor variable relayed by JS API from the website meets the criteria specified.

  1. In the Variable input text field, enter the visitor variable name.
  2. In the Select operator drop-down, select the operator to use.
  3. In the Value input text field, enter the value that the variable should be for this condition.
  4. To enter multiple possible values, click Add value.
  5. To add another custom variable, click Add custom variable. If you set multiple variables, they must all match for the actions to execute.


  • When the visitor's shopping cart total is greater than $100, offer a proactive offer. This assumes you have created a variable for cart value.

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Custom Condition

Date and Time

Use the Date and Time condition to limit an engagement according to the schedule you define.

  1. Define when the actions should or should not run:

    • To define when the actions should run, select Include selected days and times.

    • To define when the actions should not run, select Exclude selected days and times.

  2. Define whether to run the actions on certain days of the week or over a time period: 
    • Use Day of the week, to select specific days of the week.
    • Use Date range, to select a time period.
  3. Use the Choose time slot options to specify time periods for the condition, such as 09:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00.


  • Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM, display a template that offers a live chat option. For all other times, offer a template with a bot that addresses common requests.

  • On the week before a user conference, display a proactive offer with conference details.

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Chat Is Online

Device Type

Use the Device Type condition to limit an engagement based on the type of device that the visitor is using.

  1. Select a device type. Options are:

    • Mobile
    • Tablet

    • Desktop

    You can select more than one device. The Desktop device also includes laptops.


  • When a visitor is using a desktop, display a multi-channel template.

  • When a visitor is using a tablet or mobile device, offer a single channel template.

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Element Clicked

Use the Element Clicked condition to limit engagements based on if a visitor clicks on an area of your website. The area must be mapped by using the Engagement Mapper.

  1. In the Select drop-down, select one or more mapped elements.

    All mapped elements appear.

  2. Use the Search field if needed to find a specific mapped element.


  • When a visitor clicks the button to remove all items from the shopping cart, display a proactive offer that includes a discount code and a chat button.

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Field Is Edited

External API Call

Use the External API Call condition to limit an engagement based on when an external API endpoint returns true.

  1. In the URL Address field, enter the URL of the external API endpoint to use.


  • When a Salesforce API request returns true, display a proactive offer.

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Custom Variable

Visitor Tags

Use visitor tags to track certain visitors.

Excluded Visitor Tags

Use the Excluded Visitor Tags condition to limit engagements based on the tags that a visitor does not have. Visitors that don't have the tags you specify are shown the engagement.

Tags are assigned to visitors through an engagement rule that uses the Add tag to visitor action.

  1. In the Search for add tags field, start typing the name of the tag.

  2. Select the tag or tags to use.


  • When a visitor does not have the ReturningVisitor tag, display a proactive offer.

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Included Visitor Tags

Included Visitor Tags

Use the Included Visitor Tags condition to limit engagements based on the tags that are assigned to visitors. Visitors that have the tags you specify will see the engagement.

Tags are assigned to visitors through an engagement rule that uses the Add tag to visitor action.

  1. Start typing the name of the tag in the Search for add tags field.

  2. Select the tag or tags to use.


  • When a visitor has the ReturningVisitor tag, display a proactive offer.

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Excluded Visitor Tags

External Referrer

Use the External Referrer condition to limit an engagement based on the website that sent a visitor to your site.

  1. Select an operator for the rule. To use a full URL, select Equals in the drop-down. To use a partial URL, select Contains.
  2. In the Type in url field, enter a site that sends visitors to your page.
  3. To include other possible referring URLs, click Add url.


  • When a visitor is sent to your website from a marketing campaign, display a proactive offer.

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Visited Pages

Field Is Edited

Use the Field Is Edited condition to limit engagements to when a visitor is typing text in a mapped field. The field must be mapped by using the Engagement Mapper.

  1. In the Select drop-down, select one or more mapped fields to monitor for visitor typing.

    If you do not see the mapped field, you may need to map it by using the Engagement Mapper.

  2. Select an operator.

  3. Select the value that the visitor types in the field or fields. Click Add value to specify alternative values for the fields.


  • When the visitor edits the Coupon field and enters an expired or invalid coupon code, display a proactive offer with a new code.

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Element Clicked

Use the Menu Item Clicked condition to limit engagements based on a visitor selecting a menu item. The menu must be mapped by using the Engagement Mapper.

  1. In the Menu Item drop-down, select one or more mapped menu items. If you do not see the mapped menu to use, you may need to map the menu by using the Engagement Mapper.

  2. Select an operator.

  3. Enter a value.

  4. Click Add value to add multiple options that the visitor can type in the menu.


  • When a visitor selects an item from a menu, display a proactive offer.

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Element Clicked

New and Returning Visitors

Use the New and Returning Visitors condition to limit engagements based on whether the visitor is new to your website or is a returning visitor.

To execute the actions just for new visitors:

  1. Select the New Visitors box.

  2. Click Save.

To execute the actions just for returning visitors:

  1. Select the Returning Visitors box.

  2. Set the requirements for returning visitors. Set how many visits they made and within how many days the visits took place. The maximum time span is 365 days.

    A visit is counted when the visitor navigates to a page on which Guide is embedded. A visit ends after 30 minutes of inactivity.

  3. Click Save.

If you select both the New Visitors and Returning Visitors boxes, the engagement rule fires if the visitor is new or meets the returning visitor requirements.

Note that visitor data is stored in the browser. If a visitor switches browsers, they are considered a new visitor.

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Visited Pages

Page Element Exists

Use the Page Element Exists condition to limit engagements based on when a mapped element appears on a page. This condition requires the use of the Engagement Mapper.

  1. Select one or more mapped elements from the drop-down list. If you select more than one mapped element, they must all appear on the page.


  • When the Discount field appears on a page, display a proactive offer that includes the latest discount code.

  • When an error message appears when filling out a form, display a proactive offer with a chat button.

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On interval

Element Clicked

Proactive Action Grace Period

Use the Proactive Action Grace Period condition to limit engagements based on the last time a proactive action was used. Use this to pause offering another proactive action. Any actions in this engagement rule that would be run during this time frame are skipped. The maximum grace period for proactive actions is 30 days.

  1. In the first field, enter a number of days from 0-29.

  2. In the second field, enter a number of hours from 0-23.

  3. In the third field, enter the number of minutes from 0-59.

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Probability of Execution

Probability of Execution

Use the Probability of Execution condition to limit engagements based on a percentage of time.

  1. Drag the slider to a percentage between 0 and 100%. 100% means the action executes every time. 0% means the action never executes.


  • To only run the actions 50% of the time, drag the slider bar to 50.

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Proactive Action Grace Period

Rage Clicking

Use the Rage Clicking condition to limit engagements based on when a visitor is struggling and starts rage clicking on a page that meets the specified URL criteria.

  1. In the drop-down, select an operator. Use Equals to match an exact page URL. Use Contains to match a portion of the URL, such as the domain name.
  2. In the Type in url field, enter the URL or portion of URL to match. When using the Equals, operator, you must specify a complete URL.
  3. Click Add url to specify multiple pages.


  • When a visitor rage clicks on the return policy page, display a proactive offer. For example, it might include a chat button and a portal of CXone Expert articles with details on return options.

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Element Clicked

Scroll Depth

Use the Scroll Depth condition to limit an engagement based on how far down a page a visitor scrolls. Use the slider to select a percentage.

  1. Drag the slider to a percentage between 0 and 100%. 100% means the visitor scrolls to the bottom of the page. 50% means the visitor scrolled down at least half of the page.


  • When a user scrolls down more than 50% of any page, display a proactive offer.

  • Use this with the Current Page condition to limit the page on which the scroll depth is evaluated.

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Time Spent on Current Page


Use these time-related conditions to create criteria related to time, including the average queue wait time or how long a visitor spends on a page or your website. See also the Date and Time condition to create criteria based on a schedule.

Time in Queue

Use the Time in Queue condition to limit engagements based on the average queue wait time (over the past hour) for the selected skills.

  1. Select the skills to use when determining the average wait time.

  2. Select an operator such as Greater than or Lower than.

  3. Enter the wait time in minutes and seconds. The maximum wait time you can specify is 30 minutes and 0 seconds.


  • When the average wait time is less than 2 minutes, display a template that includes the Chat button. Create a second rule that if the wait time is more than 2 minutes, display a different template that does not include the Chat button.

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On interval

Chat Is Online

Time Spent on Current Page

Use the Time Spent on Current Page condition to limit engagements based how much time a visitor spends on a page. If the visitor switches pages, the timer is reset to 0.

  1. Enter the number of seconds the visitor is on a page.

  2. To limit the action to specific pages, also add the Current Page condition.


  • If a visitor spends more than 3 minutes on a page, display a template with multiple channels.

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Time Spent on Page

Time Spent on Page

Use the Time Spent on Page condition to limit engagements based on when a visitor’s time on the selected pages meets the criteria specified here. Time continues accumulating when the visitor navigates to any of the selected pages:

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, to use a full URL, select Equals in the drop-down. To use a partial URL, select Contains.
  2. In the Type in url field, enter the URL for the page.
  3. To include other pages, click Add url and repeat adding an operator and a URL.
  4. Select an operator and then choose the number of seconds to stay on the pages for the action to be offered.


  • When a visitor spends more than 5 minutes on a page pertaining to the services you offer, display a proactive offer with a chat button.

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Time Spent on Current Page

Time Spent on Site

Use the Time Spent on Site condition to limit engagements based on the total time a visitor spends on your website over the number of days specified.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, Lower than or Equals.

  2. Enter the number of minutes for the visitor to spend on your website.

  3. Enter the number of passed days.


  • When a visitor spends greater than 60 minutes on your website over the past 4 days, display a proactive offer with a discount.

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Time Spent on Page


The UTM conditions let you use the digital marketing campaign parameters that are passed in a URL to determine when to offer a Guide engagement.

UTM Campaign

Use the UTM Campaign condition to limit engagements based on the value of the visitor's UTM Campaign parameter.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, select Equals.

  2. Enter a campaign name.


  • When a visitor's UTM campaign setting is set to social, show them a proactive welcome offer.

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External Referrer or Included Visitor Tags

UTM Content

Use the UTM Content condition to limit engagements based on the value of the visitor's UTM Content parameter.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, select Equals.

  2. Enter the content name.

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External Referrer or Included Visitor Tags

UTM Medium

Use the UTM Medium condition to limit engagements based on the value of the visitor's UTM Medium parameter.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, select Equals.

  2. Enter a medium name.

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External Referrer or Included Visitor Tags

UTM Source

Use the UTM Source condition to limit engagements based on the value of the visitor's UTM Source parameter.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, select Equals.

  2. Enter a source name.

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External Referrer or Included Visitor Tags

UTM Terms

Use the UTM Terms condition to limit engagements based on the value of the visitor's UTM Term parameter.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, select Equals.

  2. Enter a term name.

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External Referrer or Included Visitor Tags

Visitor Fingerprints

These conditions are all based on data stored in a visitor's browser.


Use the Browser condition to limit an engagement based on the browser that the web visitor is using.

  1. Select one or more of the listed browsers.
  2. Select Other to add a browser not on the list.
  3. Click Add value to add additional browsers.


  • When a visitor is using the Safari browser, offer a template with just chat.

  • When a visitor is using the Chrome browser, offer a template with chat and customer portal.

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Browser Version

Browser Version

Use the Browser Version condition to limit an engagement based on the browser version number that the web visitor is using.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, Equals or Contains.
  2. Enter the version number to use as criteria.


  • When a visitor is using a no longer supported version of a browser, display a proactive offer that includes a link for updating their browser.

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Use the Country condition to limit an engagement based on the web visitor's browser country setting.

  1. Expand the Country drop-down.

  2. Select at least one country.

    If you select multiple countries, the visitor's browser can be set to any of those countries.


  • When the visitor's browser country setting indicates France, display a customer portal template that offers French articles.

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Use the Language condition to limit engagements based on the visitor's browser language setting.

  1. In the Language drop-down, select a language.

  2. Optionally, in the Country drop-down, select a corresponding country to fine-tune the language setting.


  • When the visitor's browser language setting indicates French and the country is Canada, display a customer portal template that offers French Canadian articles.

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Use the Location condition to limit engagements based on the visitor's browser location setting.

  1. In the Location field, enter a location.

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Operating System

Use the Operating System condition to limit engagements based on the type of operating system that the visitor is using.

  1. Select one or more of the listed operating systems.
  2. Select Other to add an operating system not on the list.
  3. Click Add value to add additional operating systems.


  • When a visitor is using the Windows, operating system, offer a template with fewer channels.

  • When a visitor is using the iOS operating system, offer a template with more channels.

  • Use this condition with the Operating System Version condition to identify visitors with specific operating system and operating system version combinations.

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Operating System Version

Operating System Version

Use the Operating System Version condition to limit engagements based on the version number of the operating system that the visitor is using. Typically, you would also specify the Operating System.

  1. From the Contains drop-down, select an operator such as Equals or Contains.

  2. Add an operating system version number.

  3. Click Add value to include an alternative operating system version number.


  • When a visitor's operating system is Chrome and the operating system version is 125.0.6422.141, offer a proactive offer.

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Operating System

Visited Pages

Use the Visited Pages condition to limit engagements based on a page that a visitor has previously viewed or is currently viewing within a visit.

A visit continues until the visitor is inactive for 30 minutes. At that point, the visit is closed. If the visitor starts interacting with your website again, that is considered a new visit.

  1. Select an operator for the condition. For example, to use a full URL, select Equals in the drop-down. To use a partial URL, select Contains.
  2. In the Type in url field, enter the URL for the page.
  3. To include alternative pages, click Add url. When multiple URLs are set, only one of the URL values must be a match.


  • Display a proactive offer to visitors who have visited three pages regarding the different insurance plans that you offer. Set the Visited Pages condition three times, once for each page. Then set the action to offer a proactive offer with articles on selecting an insurance plan and a chat button.

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Current Page or External Referrer