Migrated Calls

Migrated Calls allows the customer to migrate historical call data from various sources into CXone Mpower. This simplifies data management by placing all calls in a single platform, enhances user experience, and decommissions on-premises infrastructure.

This feature is available if you have the Migrated Interactions Upload license, and Admin > Recording > Upload Migrated Interactions permissions.

Supported Environments

Migrated Calls supports data extraction from the following environments:

  • NICE Engage recording system

  • NICE Playback Portal Generic DB, NICE Engage DB, and NIM4.1

  • NICE Uptivity

  • Third-party recording systems, including: Verint, Genesys, Calabrio, Witness, Red Box and Avaya.

  • Additional vendors may be supported. This requires approval on a case-by-case basis, and depends on the data (users, metadata, media) format available.

Importing Users

Users are imported in a three-step process:

  1. Exporting users from both the legacy system, and CXone Mpower.

  2. Merging users from the legacy system and CXone Mpower.

  3. Importing the merged list of users to CXone Mpower.

General Guidelines for Importing Users

  • All users require a valid email address.

  • Teams are not automatically synchronized with CXone Mpower. Teams are uploaded using the Bulk Employee Upload tool, found in the Admin app.

  • Only calls that contain a valid user in Admin are imported into CXone Mpower.

Importing Users from NICE Engage

  • Only users who are defined as agents are extracted from NICE Engage and imported to CXone Mpower. See Employees.

  • Dedicated users for basic and unmapped recordings are created in CXone Mpower. Interactions mapped to these users in Engage are associated with the corresponding users in CXone Mpower.

  • Users who are defined with multiple agent instances are imported into CXone Mpower as a single agent.

Migrating Metadata and Media

  • Metadata is migrated as JSON or ZIP archives of JSON.

  • Migrated metadata is converted to the appropriate CXone Mpower format.

  • Migrated interactions are marked with a unique CXone Mpower identifier.

  • All media files can be migrated in parallel, with no dependency between them.

  • All NICE Engage media files are migrated in their original format (NMF), and converted to MP4 upon request for playback or extraction.

  • Recordings are searchable under the Migrated Interactions tab, in the Interactions application.

  • Audio supported codecs, see the Supported Media Formats section.

Mandatory Metadata Fields

  • Call Start Time

  • Call End Time

  • DNIS

  • ANI

  • Direction

  • Agent Name/Identifier

  • Correlation value to the media file

The required metadata fields are listed, and additional fields can be added for enrichment.

Supported Media Formats

Format Codec





MP3 MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3




Importing Business Data

Migrated Calls imports up to 50 business data fields (35 fields with text values, 10 fields with number values, and 5 fields with Boolean values). Additional parameters are covered in the FAQ section.

The Advanced Services Group (ASG) extracts the business data field names listed in the migrated recording system and transfers them to CXone Mpower. Once the business data field names are configured in CXone Mpower, ASG imports the data into CXone Mpower where it can be viewed in the Interactions application.

Not Supported

  • Migration of screen recordings and digital interactions.

  • Migration of NICE Engage data (Evaluations, Calibrations, Scores).

  • QM/IA processes for migrated data.