CXone Quality Management Widgets
The CXone Quality Management widgets give an overview of your organization's CXone QM processes. You can keep track of agents' performance and decide on steps to improve quality. You can drag and drop the widgets or double-click on the widget to add them to your dashboard. You can also use the settings to add your filters to see the data.
You can take a short eLearning that gives an overview of CXone Dashboard and QM Widgets. This course explores the different QM Widgets and the widget settings you can use for your dashboards.
You cannot see these widgets if your CXone applications do not include CXone Quality Management.
Category Over Time
Data refresh rate: Within 1 minute
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
This widget helps you see the volume of a particular category of interactions over a specific time. The graph in the widget displays the trend for the selected category over a period of time.
With this knowledge, you can determine if you need to make changes in the quality plans to focus more on a particular category.
This widget is only available for organizations with the QM Advanced license.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM Tools > Dashboard Widgets > Category Over Time: On
Dashboard > Dashboards: View
Dashboard > Dashboards: Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
Click Open in New Page , to go to Interactions to see additional calibration details.
Click Select Category to add a category.
Automatically: CXone automatically shows the category with the highest number of interactions.
Manually: You can select the category that you want to track over time.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Team: Select the teams to include in the widget. You will only see agents from the teams you select.
Quality managers can see if certain categories of interactions have a higher volume compared to others.
Using this widget, supervisors and evaluators can focus on a particular category and make changes to the quality strategy to change the type of interactions that get evaluated. If agents are taking longer to handle that volume, they can also focus on coaching them on how to handle it more effectively.
Evaluation and Coaching Trend
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
The Evaluation and Coaching Trend widget enables you to track how evaluation scores change over time for selected agents. It also displays coaching sessions scheduled in CXone Coaching. This widget helps managers identify trends in scores and determine if an agent needs coaching.
You must have these permissions:
CXone Coaching > MyZone > Coaching: On
Dashboard > Dashboards: View
Dashboard > Dashboards:Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
When you hover over an agent score, you can see the average and the individual scores for that day.
When you click on the agent score, you can playback the interaction and view the evaluation form for segment type evaluations. However, for employee-type evaluations, you can only view the evaluation form. In case of appealed or challenged evaluations, only the interaction player is displayed, not the evaluation form.
You can select and drag over the time frame to zoom in on the scores. Click Reset Zoom to zoom out.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Team: Select the teams to include in the widget. You will only see agents from the teams you select.
Groups: Filter the agents within the selected teams according to their assigned groups. Only the agents selected in the agents drop-down and belonging to at least one group in the Groups filter can access the widget.
Evaluation and Coaching Events
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
On the Evaluations and Coaching Events widget, you can see the trend of the evaluation score for selected agents over a period of time. You can also see the coaching events for the selected agents.
Looking at the trend of evaluation scores, you can decide if a particular agent requires coaching. The widget helps monitor whether coaching or investment in coaching has impacted the quality scores of agents.
The widget uses the average of values instead of the average of percentage to calculate an agent’s overall evaluation score. The average of values considers the importance of each section in the evaluation. Click here to know more about the average score.
You must have these permissions:
CXone Coaching > MyZone > Coaching: On
Dashboard > Dashboards: View
Dashboard > Dashboards:Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
When you hover over an agent score, you can see the average and the individual scores for that day.
When you click on the agent score, you can playback the interaction and view the evaluation form for segment type evaluations. However, for employee-type evaluations, you can only view the evaluation form. In case of appealed or challenged evaluations, only the interaction player is displayed, not the evaluation form.
You can select and drag over the time frame to zoom in on the scores. Click Reset Zoom to zoom out.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Team: Select the teams to include in the widget. You will only see agents from the teams you select.
Groups: Filter the agents within the selected teams according to their assigned groups. Only the agents selected in the agents drop-down and belonging to at least one group in the Groups filter can access the widget.
Supervisors can see the agents they have coached and who have been evaluated. If the agent's behavior has changed after the coaching session, their quality score goes up. If there is no change in the agent's score post-coaching, their quality score goes down. Supervisors then need to look at adjusting the coaching or the method of coaching.
When the agent scores do not improve even after coaching, a supervisory manager can see if the supervisor would need coaching.
Evaluator Calibration
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
This widget displays the evaluators with the highest variance based on completed calibrations (evaluators were graded before the deadline) they participated in over a select period of time.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM Tools > MyZone > Calibrations: View
Dashboard > Dashboards:View
Dashboard > Dashboards: Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
The information displayed on this widget helps you see:
The evaluators that score within a ±5% variance or a percentage decided by the quality managers.
The evaluator's accuracy in scoring interactions and the evaluators that have trouble scoring.
Click Open in New Page , to go to calibrations in My Zone, where you can see additional calibration details.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Variance Threshold: Define the threshold percentage of variance in the calibration score for the evaluators. The percentage of variance for an evaluator is shown in orange if it is above the absolute value.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Quality managers can see which evaluators tend to score more or less and determine whether require quality score coaching is needed for them.
Evaluator Performance
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
This widget helps you monitor the performance of the agents. On this widget you can keep track of an agent's performance based on the rate of completed evaluations and the number of appealed evaluations.
On Widget Display, you can choose between Table, Completed Evaluation Trend, and Comparison.
In the Table, view you can see a list of agents or evaluators along with the percentage of Completed and Appealed evaluations. When you hover over the completed evaluations for an agent, you can see the number of Expired, Pending, Deleted and Replaced evaluations. You can add new columns to the table to view more detailed information related to Total Evaluations, Deleted, Replaced, Expired, Appealed Expired, and Completed Deleted. These new columns provide additional information about evaluators performance across different metrics.
In the Completed Evaluation Trend view you can see a list of agents or evaluators in a drop-down where you can select a particular agent or evaluator and review their completed evaluations over a trend.
The Comparison view compares two agents' performances through pie charts offering insight into their relative performances.
To start, select an agent to review their performance within the Comparison view, then choose another agent for a head-to-head comparison. Hovering over the pie chart corresponding to each agent displays the number of evaluations and their respective percentage contributions.
The comparison also extends across six categories: Completed, Pending, Appealed, Deleted, Replaced, and Expired. The overall count of evaluations assigned to each agent is displayed at the center of the comparison pie chart.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM Tools > MyZone > Calibrations > Performance Monitoring: On
Dashboard > Dashboards:View
Dashboard > Dashboards: Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Teams: Select the teams to include in the widget. You will only see agents from the teams you select.
Groups: Filter the agents within the selected teams according to their assigned groups. Only the agents selected in the agents drop-down and belonging to at least one group in the Groups filter can access the widget.
- Completed Threshold: You can set a threshold range to highlight the percentage of completed evaluations of the evaluators. For example, the scale for completed evaluations in a contact center is between 40% and 80%, then:
In the widget, the evaluators who have completed less than 40% of their evaluations appear in red.
Evaluators completing between 40% and 80% of their evaluations appear in gray.
Evaluators completing above 80% appear in blue.
Appealed Threshold: You can set the percentage of appealed evaluations for an evaluator that appears in red on the widget.
You can customize the columns:
Click to auto size a specific column or all the columns.
Click to select filter options.
Click to select the columns you want to see on the widget.
You can personalize your column settings by adjusting the column size, sort, filter, and arrangement, and then save these changes, even with the View dashboard permission.
You can sort the columns on the widget. Hold down Shift while sorting to do a secondary sort of the columns.
With this widget, quality managers can keep track of evaluators' performance, and access coaching options if needed. It also helps determine the health of the quality program.
Forms Calibration
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
This widget helps quality managers to see the completed calibrated forms with the highest variance. On this widget, a high variance indicates that the questions are being scored inconsistently across the evaluators. Quality managers can check if evaluators are having trouble scoring the form and then coach them. The scoring requirements or the questions on the form can also be revised based on this information.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM Tools > MyZone > Calibrations: View
Dashboard > Dashboards: View
Dashboard > Dashboards: Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
Click Open in New Page , to go to calibrations in My Zone, where you can see additional calibration details.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Variance Threshold: Define the threshold percentage of variance in the calibration score for a form. The percentage variance for the form is shown in red if it is above the absolute value.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
With this widget, quality managers can check the need for simple and clear scoring requirements in forms that will help evaluators to know how to score each question.
Plan Status
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Widget refresh rate: 1 hour
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
Using this widget, you can see the status of the active quality plans in your organization. You can see the percentage of plans that are ontrack and a breakdown view of each quality plan. You can also keep a track of the progress of your quality plans specially the plans that are at risk of not being completed on time.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM Tools > MyZone > Plan Monitoring: On
Dashboard > Dashboards: View
Dashboard > Dashboards: Edit(optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
The plan status widget provides two segmented views:
On Track: The On Track view displays plans in ascending order based on their completion status, which plans are the most behind first.
You have the option to either auto-select the plan by On-Track Status or to manually select the plans. In the case of auto-select, you can view maximum 5 plans in ascending order based on their completion status, showing which plans are the most behind first.
In manual mode, you can select up to five plans to display.
The Ontrack score is the percentage of evaluations completed as of date over the total number of expected evaluations on that day.
The selected quality plans are displayed in a bar chart, and when you hover over a selected plan, you can view the Completed, Plan ends in, and On Track details.
The On track score is the percentage of evaluations completed as of date over the total number of evaluations expected to be completed by that day.
Breakdown: The Breakdown view displays plans in descending order, starting with the plan that has the most completed evaluations.
The Breakdown view allows you to view plans categorized by their evaluation statuses. The plans in this view are displayed in descending order, with the plans having the most completed evaluations appearing first.
You can compare this data with the Plan Monitoring page in MyZone.
For a Quality Plan, the total number of evaluations in the breakdown view represents the evaluations distributed in QM.
You have a quality plan that spans from January 1st to January 31st. The plan aims to complete 10 evaluations this month, which averages to 0.32 evaluations per day.
On January 11th, you’ve completed 1 evaluation, but the expected number of completed evaluations by that date is 3.55. To track how well the plan is progressing, we calculate the On-track score as follows:
On-track score = 1/3.55 * 100 = 28.18%
This means that the plan is currently 28.18% on track.
Click Open in New Page to go to plans monitoring in My Zone, where you can see additional details of the quality plans.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
On-Track Threshold: Define the threshold range for a quality plan. You can check if the quality plan is on track based on this range.
Campaign: Select the campaign that you want to include in the widget.
Skill: Select the agent skills Used to automate delivery of interactions based on agent skills, abilities, and knowledge to include in the widget. Only the agents skilled in one of the selected filters are considered.
Supervisors and quality managers can use this widget to see how plans can be edited to ensure that evaluation goals are being met.
Quality Score
Data refresh rate: Within 5 minutes
Widget refresh rate: 15 minutes
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
This widget displays the quality scores of your agents at a glance. You can keep track of the top performing and bottom performing agents for each team you manage. This widget calculates the average quality score for each agent by dividing the total score earned across all evaluations by the total number of evaluations completed.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM > My Zone > Performance Monitoring: On
Dashboard > Dashboards: View
Dashboard > Dashboards: Edit (optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
On this widget, you can also see:
The top three and bottom three agents.
The average quality score for all the agents you've filtered on and their individual quality scores.
Click Open in New Page to go to performance monitoring in My Zone, where you can see additional details of agents' quality scores.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Team: Select the teams to include in the widget. You will only see agents from the teams you select.
Agent: Select the agents to include in the widget from the teams you have selected in the Teams filter.
Groups: Filter the agents within the selected teams according to their assigned groups. Only the agents selected in the agents drop-down and belonging to at least one group in the Groups filter can access the widget.
Quality Score Threshold: The agent score range on this widget is 0 to 100. Quality managers and supervisors can set a threshold range to highlight the best and worst-performing agents. For example, a supervisor sets a threshold between 5 and 27.
Agent's scores are displayed as:
- Agents with a score of 27 or higher appear in blue. Agents with a blue score are the best-performing agents.
- Agents with a score of 5 or less appear in orange or red. The performance of these agents is the lowest.
- Agents scoring between 5 and 27 appear in gray. Agents with a gray score are within the threshold and show good performance.
You can use filters to see the scores of the agents you've been working with. This helps you quickly identify agents who need coaching and recognize those who perform well.
You can identify supervisors managing high-scoring agent teams and those managing the low-scoring agent teams.
Top Categories
Data refresh rate: Within 1 minute
Duration support: Historical - 13 months
This widget shows the categories with the highest volume of interactions over a selected period.
This widget is only available for organizations with the CXone QM Advanced license.
You must have these permissions:
CXone QM Tools > Dashboard Widgets > Top Categories: On
Dashboard > Dashboards:View
Dashboard > Dashboards:Edit(optional)
If you cannot access the widgets or Dashboard, check with your administrator. The administrator can find these permissions in CXone. Go to Admin > Security Settings > Roles and Permissions and select the role.
On this widget, you can also see how the categories have trended over time and compare them to their past performance.
Click Options and then Settings on the widget to filter the data you want to see in each widget.
Field descriptions
Display Name: Specify a name for the widget.
Date Range: Define the date range. You can choose from options, like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last Week, Last Month and Custom range.
Team: Select the teams to include in the widget. You will only see agents from the teams you select.
Select Categories: Select the categories. You can select from Custom Categories, CXone QM categories, and the other available categories. The category with the highest interaction volume is shown by default.
You can customize the columns:
Click to auto size a specific column or all the columns.
Click to select filter options.
Click to select the columns you want to see on the widget.
You can personalize your column settings by adjusting the column size, sort, filter, and arrangement, and then save these changes, even with the View dashboard permission.
You can sort the columns on the widget. Hold down Shift while sorting to do a secondary sort of the columns.
If the volume of interactions for a specific category continues to rise, supervisors can update the quality plan to monitor it further.