Unavailable Codes

Unavailable codes refer to the reasons that your agents are not able to take contacts. These codes display in the availability bar of an agent application as unavailable states. When your agents are using an agent application, they can change their status in the availability bar and select an unavailable state (unavailable code). For example, you can create a code called Lunch to be selected when going on a lunch break. Unavailable codes are useful for tracking agent behavior and for reporting purposes.

By default, you have one unavailable code called Unavailable, however, you can create custom unavailable codes for your agents (such as Lunch in the above example). When agents log into their agent application, they log in as unavailable. Additionally, if your agents use the MAX agent application, the default Unavailable code is only an option if you do not have custom unavailable codes. Unavailable codes also contain a timeout limit; in other words, a total amount of time that an agent can stay in the unavailable state until the system automatically logs them out. Continuing with the lunch example, if an agent leaves for the day and accidentally selected the Lunch state, or perhaps leaves work after their lunch break, this timeout limit will prevent the agent from being logged as Lunch overnight, which would significantly skew reports. The default timeout amount is 120 minutes, however you can set the time between 30-720 minutes for custom unavailable codes. You can edit a code's timeout duration in its settings (ACD > ACD Settings  >  Unavailable Codes).

Each unavailable code has an audit history tab that displays a table of information about the creation and last modification of the unavailable code. You can see what was modified, when it was modified, and who did the modification. Audit history tables can become very large, so you can use search and filter tools to limit the display.

Reserved Unavailable Codes

The following are reserved for use by the CXone Mpower system for default unavailable codes. You can create custom unavailable codes that use any other numeric value.

  • 3 = Unavailable

    MAX only displays this default Unavailable state to agents if no custom unavailable states have been created. If your organization has configured custom unavailable states, only those custom states will be available to agents.

  • 2 = Outbound
  • 1 = ACD
  • 0 = Available
  • -1 = Refused
  • -2 = HeldPartyAbandoned
  • -3 = InboundPending
  • -4 = OutboundPending
  • -5 = ConsultPending
  • -6 = DialerPending
  • -7 = TransferPending
  • -8 = CallbackPending
  • -9 = PromisePending
  • -12 = LogoffPending
  • -13 = PreviewNotification