Add Tag to Visitor

Use the Add Tag to Visitor action with the Visitor Page View rule to add a tag to a visitor.

Nice suggests using the rule builder for creating and maintaining your rules. The legacy ACD > GUIDE > Engagement Rules and ACD > GUIDE > Engagement Actions pages will be removed in an upcoming release.

For example, if a visitor lands on your website from a specific referring URL, you might want to tag that visitor as having come from a marketing campaign or search engine. You can then target groups of visitors who have a specific tag with personalized proactive offers or templates.

Using tags as criteria for engagement rules requires that you do the following:

  • Create a tag and set the tag as active. Or, if you have existing tags to use, make sure that they are active.

  • Create a rule that tags visitors. Use conditions such as Visited page or External Referrer to identify the visitors to apply the tag to. Use the Add Tag to Visitor action, as described on this page, to add the tag to visitors.

  • Create another rule that displays a proactive offer or personalized template based on the visitor's tags. Use conditions such as Included visitor tags or Excluded visitor tags to identify visitors with or without certain tags. Set the action for the rule to either Guide Proactive Offer or Guide Template. Note that you can add a second action to the rule to remove visitor tags. Consider this approach if you are using the tags for a one-time offer.

Create This Action

  1. Click the app selector and select ACD.
  2. Go to GUIDE > Engagement Actions.

  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter a Name that describes what the action does.
  5. From the Action drop-down, select Add tag to visitor.
  6. Select a Tag from the drop-down. The list only displays existing tags.
  7. Click Save.

Add the Action to a Rule

  1. Go to GUIDE > Engagement Rules.

  2. Locate the rule you want to assign this action to and open it.

  3. Click Add existing action.

  4. Use the drop-down to select this action. The drop-down displays the Name you gave the action, not the Action of the rule.
  5. Click Add.